The less predictable, the more the impact. -Dan Brown

25 Jun

Okay, so less than two weeks before we’re scheduled to leave for East Asia, we get this email that says our plans have fallen through.  So we’re still going to Asia, but we just haven’t got a clue what we’ll do when we get there.  Now, I’m not the kind of person who will just run blindly into something without a plan or any idea what’s happening.  I like to think I’m flexible, but I at least like to have a vague idea of what’s going on.  But that’s not how this is going to be, and I’m going to have to be okay with that.

That’s one of the things that God made clear to me this week at camp.  When humans try to make plans, it rarely works.  Sometimes it takes something drastic to make us give God the control, because he deserves it.  But the less predictable, the more the impact, because God will show up where, when, and how HE wants to.  We can’t try to fit Him into our schedule–He needs to BE our schedule in order for us to work as effectively as possible.

Something else that He taught me at camp is that He is Lord of all.  I mean, that’s something that everybody says, but do we really know what it means?  Lord of ALL.  Not lord of something, not lord of someone, not lord of someplace, but Lord of EVERYTHING, EVERYONE, and EVERY PLACE.  He’s Lord of the Summit, and of Virginia, and of the USA, and Costa Rica, Asia, the world, the planets and stars and galaxies.  My Lord is the same Lord of my Ticos, and the same Lord of my soon-to-be friends in Asia, and all of the Body of Christ.  And no matter how far I feel from those people, we’re connected by one Thing–the only Thing that can’t be taken away from us.

1 Comment

Posted by on June 25, 2010 in Asia July 2010, Bible Study/thoughts


One response to “The less predictable, the more the impact. -Dan Brown

  1. Collette

    June 25, 2010 at 15:44

    Every time we move to a new state I ask God to show me where we are to go and what we are doing. Every time so far, we have had no place to park the rolling turd (RV) and no idea what we were to be doing. I am a list person. I like to know when, where and how. Gary is the opposite. I am learning to let go and trust God, it is a very slow process! I had a revelation the other day. God showed me that he goes before me to prepare and that I don’t have to worry about it. Ahhh, relief! Love you and praying, Collette


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